

Traditionally, the guests of the evening were all those who have shared sustainable practices with our audience and contributed their expertise and experience to our ecosystem of formats - the "Ask the Experts" and "In Our Focus" sections, "Tips for Candidates", as well as in our HR Navigator video podcast.

We focused this year's event on "Mindfulness: leadership through awareness" and had the pleasure of having our special guest Polina Yordanova, Co-founder and Managing Director of Metamorphica, walk us through a different experience of the topic of leadership. Through Lego Serious Play and other innovative methods and techniques presented throughout the evening, our guests were stimulated to think outside the box and engage in creating innovative ideas and solutions to develop themselves as leaders.

With the support of our sponsors Cinema and Wine, participants were invited to open their senses and take a step towards mindfulness while enjoying a selection of Italian wines that further enriched the evening of Trifon Zarezan.

The interactive environment and dynamic dialogue were the heart of the event, contributing not only to broaden the perspectives of the participants but also to strengthen the community.

We express our sincere gratitude to all the partners, guests, and participants who were with us, openly sharing their views, values, and personal priorities as leaders in their field and together with words and lego blocks building their vision for personal and professional progress.

Inspired by the experience and challenged by our guests, we are now planning our first-ever holistic mindful leadership development program.

Continue this journey with us!

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