Career consulting and outplacement

Career consulting and outplacement are two key services Manpower offers to assist both individuals in managing their career paths and teams of companies in the process of restructuring, reorganizing or closing businesses.  

Here's what these services are and what their main aspects are.

Key aspects of career consulting:

  • Analysis of career goals and interests  
  • Developing a career plan
  • Preparing to search for new career opportunities - preparing a resume, references, improving one's performance or in various professional networks
  • Support in assessing different career options and applying different approaches to the labour market (active, passive)
  • Preparation for the recruitment process - interview preparation, negotiation and post-interview communication

Key aspects of the outplacement service:

  • Individual career consulting
  • Preparation for the labour market  
  • Conducting simulated interviews and tips for successful presentation to employers
  • Access to networks and resources, including relevant current positions  

Through our career consulting and outplacement services, our team helps everyone increase their individual chances of finding a job and helps companies maintain a positive company image by demonstrating a commitment to the future of their people.  


Manpower Bulgaria Team

[email protected]

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