We Asked the Experts

We asked the experts
Redefining leadership: what do younger generations expect from their leaders?
How younger generations are rethinking the idea of leadership, intertwining their unique needs and expectations with traditional management…
We asked the experts
The HR function as a catalyst for transformation
Recent decades have seen a rethinking of the HR function globally.
We asked the experts
Equality and inclusion through the prism of labour law in Bulgaria
It's as if each of the recent years has its "topic of the day" in law. The protection of personal data, anti-money laundering measures…
We asked the experts
Key HR trends for 2024 - from candidate experience and new technologies to flexible working models
The year 2023 has seen significant changes in the field of human resource management driven by global challenges and technological innovations. This…
We asked the experts
Electronic employment record from A to Z
The storage and processing of employment records is the duty of every employer, which, however, is often associated with a large amount of…
We asked the experts
The economy of 2024: What's around the corner?
In the context of the dynamic economic changes that are sweeping the global market, the question of the future of the economy in 2024 is becoming…
We asked the experts
The role of feedback in people development initiatives
Feedback is a key tool in people development strategies, playing a crucial role in improving performance, job satisfaction, and personal development.
We asked the experts
Myths and realities of attracting workers from abroad
The EU Blue Card is one of the most favorable permits for non-EU talent seeking employment within the European Union.
We asked the experts
The mobility of tomorrow - software-defined vehicles and data transfer in integrated vehicle information systems
New technologies are changing a number of sectors and the automotive industry is one of those that is seeing revolutionary changes in the structure…
We asked the experts
How to build a startup ecosystem: lessons from Sofia Investment Agency
The foundation of a thriving economy is successful startup companies that are able to generate growth, create jobs and innovate in different areas of…
We asked the experts
About fast fashion, fast reactions and fast development in one of the companies - market leaders in the fashion industry
Fast fashion is a business model in the fashion industry where collections are designed quickly and according to current trends, then produced and…
We asked the experts
IT academy - a tool for overcoming the shortage of specialists and creating new talents
Each job description defines a set of skills necessary for a person to be successful in a position.
We asked the experts
Japanese quality, traditions and values as the foundations of the corporate culture in an international manufacturing company for automotive components on Bulgarian soil
Vladimir Sedlarski has been the executive director of "Yazaki Bulgaria" EOOD since November 2021.
We asked the experts
Can you really work effectively when the sun is shining in your eyes and how to successfully manage people from a distance?
Vladimir Simeonov has been part of Proxiad SEE as Business Operations Director since early 2020.
We asked the experts
The secret of success: Being a German company in Bulgaria
Denitza Borisova is the Head of HR and Legal at Festo Production. She has been part of the Festo Bulgaria team in Bulgaria for 12 years.
We asked the experts
How to engage and retain our people during the Great Resignation?
So many open positions, so few available talent, the Great Resignation, a global pandemic, inflation, political uncertainty
We asked the experts
Successful Employer Branding Practices: Corporate Wellness
Milena Atanassova is one of the founders of the social entrepreneurship platform Wellness Masters Hub Ltd. which offers integral solutions for…
We asked the experts
What it's like to be a foster parent?
In April SOS Children's Villages Bulgaria organized a campaign to attract people to become foster parents in Sofia and for SOS Children's…
We asked the experts
For the women who are multitasking wizards. What’s it like to be a mother of three, a business woman, a politician, an artist, at the same time?
Today is the 8th of March – International Women's Day – a celebration of all women, mothers, business ladies.
We asked the experts
Bulgaria - the intersection between East and West or the perfect nearshoring destination
Arch. Lyubomir Stanislavov graduated UASG in Sofia in 2001 with a degree in Architecture. He acquired additional qualifications at the University de…
We asked the experts
Christmas: Possible. How to keep the festive corporate spirit when our team works remotely?
How one of the biggest companies, symbolic with the Christmas holidays, celebrates Christmas during a pandemic? Nevyan Petrov, People & Culture…
We asked the experts
Success story: Industry 4.0 or how Bulgaria is responding to the global chip and human capital shortage
The global chip shortage is a hot topic of discussion and a pressing issue affecting many industries around the world.
We asked the experts
Who survives? Who innovates.
Innovation as a chance for success. Innovation as sustainable development. Innovation as a necessity and a way of life.
Ева Македонска
Paperless office - myth or reality?
The paperless office is a workplace that has minimal paperwork and relies on digital documents instead.