Assessment and evaluation of human capital

At Manpower Bulgaria we offer a palette of diverse methods for the complex analysis of team dynamics, skills, and personal characteristics of each individual, predicting their success in a given position and determining their leadership potential through globally recognized tools and methodologies such as Harrison Assessment, Great People Inside (GPI), etc.  

Combined with a variety of training formats (simulations, workshops, coaching, classical training, etc.) we offer innovative and effective opportunities to develop, motivate, and engage employees with a focus on key skills such as leadership, negotiation, time management, customer service, emotional intelligence and more.

Our team of consultants is available to tailor fully customized People Development projects to each company's needs, drawing on both our internal pool of trainers and experts and our extensive network of external partners.

Because motivated and well-developed teams are the foundation of successful companies.

This is how we provide you:

  • Accurate skills assessment: Detailed understanding of the current competencies and potential of your people and teams.
  • Personalized development: individually targeted training and development plans tailored to the needs of the company and its people.
  • Preparing for the future: Developing the skills and competencies of teams through customised training formats
  • Motivation and engagement: Increasing people's satisfaction and commitment through growth and development opportunities.
  • Strategic talent management: Long-term planning and preparing the workforce for future challenges through various people development programs. 

Manpower Bulgaria Team

[email protected]

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