Workforce import from third countries is becoming a strategic priority for Bulgarian businesses, especially in sectors such as construction,…
Workforce import from third countries is becoming a strategic priority for Bulgarian businesses, especially in sectors such as construction,…
Salaries, bonuses and benefits are not just costs, but strategic investments in human capital. In the studio for the first HR Navigator episode of…
The year 2024 stands out as one of the most dynamic and transformational years in terms of recruitment.
In the 33rd episode of HR Navigator, we look at how leaders are adapting their approaches to effectively manage human capital in the context of…
HR professionals balance between satisfaction and demands. Petya Pavlova, P&C Partner, shares how effective management leads to success.
In September, we covered another important topic in our HR Navigator video podcast, "Feedback as a tool for business success". In our last…
In the cozy lobby of Hyatt Regency Sofia, we met Alya and Lia from Indonesia, who came to Bulgaria 6 months ago seeking new opportunities.
In the new HR Navigator episode, we discuss: 'Hybrid model or remote work – what makes us happy?' and how to create a healthy work…
We celebrated the 30th episode of HR Navigator: 'Labor Market Trends Shift' – exploring global events and innovations in the work world.
Gen Z is reshaping the work environment, while Generation Alpha will soon influence corporate culture. Maria Dineva from Assert International shares…
Candidate experience is key for employer branding and business success. Desislava Vasileva, Head of Marketing, shares how to ensure a great…
People development programs are key to combating the skills shortage and increasing team motivation and engagement in companies.
В епохата, в която бизнесът се превръща в отражение на динамиката и стойностите на обществото, организационната култура е критичен стълб на…
In a competitive business world, companies must constantly adapt compensation packages to industry sectors and growing employee expectations.
Let me start by telling you a short story. Once upon a time, there was a wonderful specialist.
In the dynamic corporate world, rewards for new hires and long-serving team members create an unusual paradox.
Digitalization in payroll services is the shift from traditional payroll and HR methods to digital technology and software solutions for optimization.
The current unemployment rate in Bulgaria is 4.6%, with the rate for graduates falling even to a challenging 2.0% for employers.
The Gestalt approach to organizations is an integrated, holistic view of how organizations and people function.
AI is becoming deeply embedded in our daily lives. What once required searching many sources is now just a click away.
The general idea of turning people towards themselves, their talents, potential, and needs for expression is increasingly being applied in the people…
The award "Best HR Project for SME" for 2022 of the Bulgarian People Management Association, which our 4-day project received, led to many…
A person's motivational factors can differ during different periods of his life and depending on his temperament and character.
You may have recently heard the news that ChatGPT, a language model with artificial intelligence, has passed the exam for an engineering position…