Knowledge Corner

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In our focus

Working in Bulgaria: New life and new opportunities in Sofia

In the cozy lobby of the Hyatt Regency Sofia, we met two inspiring young ladies from Indonesia, Alya Novita and Lia Azlina, who arrived in Bulgaria a little over six months ago to look for new opportunities outside their country of origin and start a new job.
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We Asked The Experts

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We asked the experts

Redefining leadership: what do younger generations expect from their leaders?

Milena Kumanova
We asked the experts

The HR function as a catalyst for transformation

Rada Yosifova
We asked the experts

Equality and inclusion through the prism of labour law in Bulgaria

atty. Mileslava Bogdanova
We asked the experts

Key HR trends for 2024 - from candidate experience and new technologies to flexible working models

Polina Gospodinova
We asked the experts

Electronic employment record from A to Z

Todor Vasilev
We asked the experts

The economy of 2024: What's around the corner?

Daniel Vasilev

Advices for candidates

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Advices for candidates

Gen Z's digital habits and how they bring professional advantages

We dedicate the month of June to the new generations in the workplace and for this purpose we…
Ralitsa Dineva
Advices for candidates

The changing requirements for HR candidates

In recent years, the dynamics of the labour market, and in particular the HR sector, have seen…
Rosena Tsenova
Advices for candidates

Strategies for a sustainable work-life balance

In today's world, where the lines between work and personal life are increasingly blurred,…
Kristina Ivanova
Advices for candidates

How to get a feel for organizational culture in the application process?

Organizational culture plays a key role in defining the work environment in any company.
Dobrina Ilieva

In Our Focus

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In our focus

Working in Bulgaria: New life and new opportunities in Sofia

In the cozy lobby of the Hyatt Regency Sofia, we met two inspiring young ladies from Indonesia,…
Georgi Klisarski
In our focus

Hybrid model or remote working - which makes us happy?

Manpower Bulgaria
In our focus

The turn in labour market trends - HR Navigator 30th Anniversary Episode

Manpower Bulgaria
In our focus

Understanding Generation Z and preparing for Generation Alpha

In today's world of diversity and technological change, Generation Z is already changing the…
Мария Динева