In Our Focus

In our focus
4-day innovation - 6 months later
It's been 6 months since Manpower Bulgaria and the Manpower Southeast Europe cluster officially switched to a 4-day work week, making Fridays…
In our focus
Attracting staff in the production sector - specifics in recruitment for one of the most dynamic industries in Bulgaria
The production sector in Bulgaria has become one of the fastest growing sectors in recent years, demonstrating exceptional dynamics and…
In our focus
Talent engagement and retention: How to use metrics and data in the process?
The topic of employee engagement and retention is extremely popular in the current labor market, marked by an unprecedented series of changes -…
In our focus
How has the role of the Finance Director been transforming?
The role of the Finance Director is complex, crucial and increasingly demanding. Georgi Kostadinov, Finance Director of Manpower Bulgaria and Deputy…
In our focus
Non-governmental organizations and their role as employers
One of the most important conditions for building good practices in the work of a non-governmental organization (NGO) are contacts and good relations…
In our focus
Why is the term „HR Marketing“ so commonly used nowadays?
Haris Kadenic is the Marketing Director of Manpower SEE.
In our focus
From recruitment and selection to the right solution
As our business rests upon people, all those who work in consulting within HR industry can testify that the service of candidate recruitment and…
In our focus
From "Junior" to "Number One" in no time or what is the formula for success during a career change?
One of the biggest struggles ever is overcoming our own fears, followed by the struggle with our ego.
Advices for candidates
What to do if you were not able to get the desired job?
You've been interviewed for your dream job, you're feeling good and sure that your job is tied up in a towel, but the phone rings - you…
In our focus
Flexi benefits - Flexibility in providing additional workplace benefits
December is almost here and it is a time for reflection, a time when we look back at the events of the past year, but also forward to what we can…
In our focus
Talent-driven IT market - trends and challenges that will lead to lasting change
The IT sector is one of the least affected by the dynamics of the changing work processes in the last year and a half.
In our focus
Varna beyond the seasonal business - a new location of technology companies
The sea capital is increasingly in the focus of business news in our country with the growing number of companies such as Siemens, Coca-Cola, Paysafe…
In our focus
RPO - synchronizing the recruitment strategy and your business goals
Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a form of business process outsourcing where companies assign the complete process of the selection and…
In our focus
The new model of work - Task Based Outsourcing
In the last few years, we have seen profound processes of change in the labor market, which the Covid-19 pandemic has repeatedly accelerated.
In our focus
Gamified training to engage and develop human capital in the company
As a strategic HR partner to companies and the workforce in Bulgaria, our focus at Manpower follows the current needs of the market and our partners.
In our focus
The power of right decisions: talent assessment tests and instruments
As a strategic HR partner of companies and talents in Bulgaria, Manpower’s focus follows the current needs of the market and our partners.
In our focus
Custom labour market researches as a basis for planning in a situation of high unpredictability
As a strategic HR partner of companies and talents in Bulgaria, Manpower’s focus follows the current needs of the market and those of our partners.