We asked the experts

Japanese quality, traditions and values as the foundations of the corporate culture in an international manufacturing company for automotive components on Bulgarian soil

Vladimir Sedlarski has been the executive director of "Yazaki Bulgaria" EOOD since November 2021. He has over 15 years of experience in the company, previously being part of the Management and Leadership team, and also being "Plant Director" in Yambol and Sliven for 4 years. Today he shares with us the specifics of managing a Japanese company in Bulgaria and reveals the most important Eastern traditions and values and how they are successfully communicated and reinforced among the many employees in the company.

 From the land of the rising sun to factories in three Bulgarian cities - what are the reasons and advantages of developing this type of business in Bulgaria?

You understand that every investor studies possible risks in detail, analyzes the pros and cons before providing his money for any project. If the Japanese, known for their order and discipline, have decided to trust us with their production, then we can proudly say that we have passed an extremely serious test and have proven our unconditional advantages. The automotive business has boomed in recent years. Competitive pressure is significant. In order to survive and thrive in this environment, you need to successfully strike a balance, delivering optimum value for money. It requires flexibility, adaptability, a willingness to continually learn while keeping costs low. We definitely have staff capable of responding adequately to these challenges.

What are the main traditions (with a Japanese twist) of the company that you strive to pass on to your employees and how do they resonate with your teams in Bulgaria?

We effectively use Japanese principles and systems in our daily work. For many people, "Gemba"- the actual place, "7 Muda"- 7 losses, "Yokoten"- spread, "Poka-Yoke"- avoid mistake, "5S"- 5 words beginning with "S" in Japanese SEIRI: separation; SEITON: distribution; SEISO: cleaning; SEIKETSU: maintenance; SHITSUKE - discipline, "Dojo"- place to practice, and "MOTO"- foundation, are unfamiliar. But for our employees, they are full of content and symbolize very specific actions and procedures. In case we are talking about something more global, the Japanese philosophy of continuous improvement or "Kaizen" (composed of the words "kai" - change and "zen" - good) is "practiced" in our enterprise. Or, in other words, Kaizen means "change for good". This is not a technique or a method, but a true worldview based on the belief that everything can be improved, even if it seems to be working well at the moment. Furthermore, all problems should be seen as opportunities for improvement.

In human relations, we strive to develop Japanese employee cohesion. It is no coincidence that Yazaki's motto is "One for all, all for one“.

You manage to put topics such as intercultural diversity and corporate social responsibility at the forefront. In times of global crises and uncertainty, what are the challenges to preserving these values and why communicating them in such times is even more important?

Indeed, crises and the resulting uncertainty create additional problems and therefore challenges to overcome. Tough times cause people to shut down and their outlook and ambitions to narrow. For any organization to thrive, however, it takes a broad view, multiple approaches, and diverse ideas. Because different situations require different qualities and competencies. The dynamics of the environment are changing the competitive advantages, approaches and sought-after qualities. Any diversity, including cross-cultural diversity, is therefore vital for the development. It provides a fresh and unique perspective on the setting and leads to unconventional and effective solutions. Corporate social responsibility is also of utmost importance. Especially in times of difficulty. Employees watching out for even small discrepancies prevents them from growing into a big problem, saves time, money, improves image, which is very valuable and critical in difficult times.

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