Advices for candidates

How to use giving and receiving feedback as a tool for professional success

Giving and receiving feedback are key elements for professional and personal development in today's work environment. Embracing feedback as a tool for success, rather than criticism, can significantly improve performance, motivation, and communication between employees and managers. We invited Simona Petkova, a recruitment consultant from the team, to share her experience on how we can ask for effective feedback, how to take it constructively, and how to deliver it in a way that encourages team development.

1. How do we ask for effective feedback from our colleagues and managers?

Simona: Starting a feedback conversation can be challenging, but with the right approach it can lead to positive results. Here are some best practices for initiating an effective conversation:

Feedback should be timely, but also at the right time

An important part of asking for and giving feedback successfully is to be timely. Of course, there are situations in which if there are strong emotions, we should wait for the peak moment to pass. However, we should also not put off sharing feedback for too long for it to be effective.

When asking for feedback, I advise people to insist on regularity - for example, a regular quarterly meeting where they have the opportunity to get feedback from their manager. That way it can be ensured that in the whirlwind of everyday life, this topic does not escape our sight.

Be specific in asking for and giving feedback

Instead of asking "How am I doing?", ask more specific questions like "Can you give me feedback on my presentation?" or "How can I improve my project management skills?". This will guide the interviewer to accurate observations and give you useful information instead of general answers.

Similarly, when giving feedback, be specific and give clear examples of actions or words that you find problematic, or conversely, a good example that you want to highlight.

Show openness and willingness to improve

Effective communication requires openness and showing a willingness to accept any kind of feedback. When you initiate the conversation, share that your goal is to develop and improve your performance. This creates a positive environment that encourages the interlocutor to be sincere and specific.

2. How do you respond to critical feedback to use it for personal and professional development?

Simona: Receiving critical feedback can be difficult, especially when it touches on sensitive aspects of our work or personality. However, if we embrace it as an opportunity, critical feedback can become a major catalyst for development.

Overcome emotional reactions

It is natural for the first reaction to criticism to be defensive or emotional. It is important to be aware of this reaction and work through it. Feedback at its core provides an opportunity for growth, even though instinctively certain situations evoke a defensive reaction in us. Practicing active listening without interrupting the interlocutor helps to keep calm and create space to reflect on what is being said.

Focus on specific improvements

Once you receive critical feedback, it's important to focus on the specific aspects you can improve. Divide the comments into individual potential steps and discuss with your manager what would be the most effective as actions on your part. This will help you to move out of negative emotion and into constructive action.

Thank them for their feedback

Whether the feedback is focused on the potential for improvement or highlighting positive results and behaviors, it is important to thank the interlocutor for their time and effort. This not only shows professionalism, but also promotes a culture of honesty and openness in the future.

3. How do we give constructive feedback to our colleagues or team?

Simona: Effective feedback is essentially a suggestion for development and improvement. Giving constructive feedback that is helpful and motivating is a key aspect of successful leadership and management, as well as good team collaboration. For feedback to be truly useful, however, it should be specific, action-oriented and respectful.

When giving feedback, always be specific. Generic phrases such as "You need to do better" are not helpful. Instead, describe exactly what can be improved and give advice on how this can be achieved. When feedback is targeted to specific actions, it becomes more useful and measurable.

It is also important to acknowledge the efforts your colleagues are making, even if the results are not always what is desired. This fosters a culture of continuous growth, development, and improvement. When people realize that their efforts are being noticed, they are more motivated to keep improving.

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