We Asked the Experts

We asked the experts
How to engage and retain our people during the Great Resignation?
So many open positions, so few available talent, the Great Resignation, a global pandemic, inflation, political uncertainty - these are just some of…
We asked the experts
Office 2.0 economic and organizational aspects of home office practice
The topic of new office formats is gaining more and more popularity, not least because of the long forced period of work from home, which has led…
Raman Devanathan
Artificial Intelligence and people in the work environment - Challenges and balancing mechanisms
Text and comment by Raman Devanathan, EMEA General Manager, Autom8 Consulting Ltd.

We asked the experts
Mindset Management or the tricks of attitude management in Bulgaria
In recent years, Mindset Management has evolved from a term with a vague meaning to an essential tool for improving corporate culture, team…
Христо Бояджиев
Trends and twists in the flow of talents from and to Bulgaria
Brain drain is often cited as one of the main problems of the Bulgaria labor market.
We asked the experts
Innovation as part of business strategy
Many organizations experience difficulties integrating innovation initiatives into their business strategies, despite the well-proven correlation…