Advices for candidates

What to do if you were not able to get the desired job?

You've been interviewed for your dream job, you're feeling good and sure that your job is tied up in a towel, but the phone rings - you didn't get the job. Rejection is not pleasant and easy to accept for anyone, but it should not be a reason to get discouraged.

Turn a negative experience into an opportunity to create a professional relationship with the company, the hiring manager, and everyone involved in the interview. Establishing professional contact, expressing a sincere desire to work for the company in the future, and being willing to accept constructive criticism and advice can help you stand out in the eyes of employers and make them seek you out if another suitable opportunity arises. In what follows, we share a few steps you can take to make a lasting impression on interviewers and employers, even if you're not selected.

Show understanding

Interviewers' jobs are not easy either, and they certainly don't enjoy turning down and rejecting applications from qualified and professional talent. Show the other person that you understand their decision and thank them for their time and interest. It is possible that the newly hired person may not be the right "fit" for the role, or may decide that the position is not for them. In such extreme situations, the established relationship with the employer becomes a big plus for you. And maybe there's another role that's even better suited for you that they'd be happy to recommend you for if you've made a good impression. Therefore, it is important not to be negative about the rejection, you never know what may happen in the near future.

Say thank you

In addition to thanking you for your time, interest, and the opportunity to appear for an interview, you can also use another trump card, namely sending a short thank you email or message in which you share once again your sincere desire to work for the company and your interest in being sought after and for other free opportunities. Such a gesture will certainly be remembered and appreciated and will help strengthen your professional ties with the company in the future.

Use the opportunity to once again share why this is your dream job

Of course, don't push your interest and desire too much, but modestly and briefly re-share the key reasons why you want to be a part of the company. Tell where your interest and trust in the company came from, how your personal experiences connect you to its mission and vision, share how you could develop your potential in this environment, and prove your loyalty for years to come.

Seek advice

Now that you've made a good impression and shown your desire to be a part of the company, don't be afraid to ask questions that will help you be more successful in the future. Ask questions like:

  • What are the reasons for not choosing me at this stage? 
  • What do I need to change to be more successful in the future? 
  • Which are the most important qualities and skills that you're looking for in your employees? 

Getting the information directly from the source will help you get the necessary "tools" to make your application even more attractive should another opportunity open up.

Make professional contact and express a desire to stay in touch

Be proactive and let your contacts know that you would be happy if you could exchange contacts and stay in touch in the future. In this way, you will increase your chances of being asked again or understanding from the first person about the novelties and opportunities in the company. We guarantee that your interest and proactivity will not go unnoticed.

And remember, even if you don't get the job today, there's always a chance you'll get it tomorrow. Think positively, do not stop developing, show initiative and work for your success!


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