Soft skills are becoming an increasingly significant factor in talent selection across a range of industries. What are they and why are they so important?
Soft skills are non-technical skills that include how you interact with colleagues, how you solve problems and how you manage your work. In short, they are competencies you need to be successful in the workplace and are often key to successful negotiations, productive teamwork, effective communication and the ability to resolve conflict situations.
New challenges require the ability to acquire new skills quickly
More and more industries are looking at soft skills and considering them as a critical factor in talent selection, especially for entry-level positions and internship programs where previous experience is not required. And the high pace of technological advancement reinforces their importance for all levels and professions. If 40 years ago the qualification model followed the "school-university-work" matrix, with the aim of the education system preparing everyone for their chosen profession, today the "learn and then work" approach no longer suffices. In its place is the new professional mantra of so-called lifelong learning.
That is why we were not surprised by the results of the LinkedIn анкетата ни с въпрос „Кои са най-важните меки умения?“. With 301 votes, we see a clear favorite - Adaptability and Resilience.
Adaptability is a key and transferable skill no matter what industry you work in. As new technologies evolve, companies set up the "old ways" may find it difficult to compete with the major players in their industry. In order to stay relevant in the market, many companies are taking internal initiatives to modernize and digitize work processes. But such campaigns can only be successful if they are accepted by the people. That's why adaptability is seen as one of the most valuable soft skills of potential candidates, ensuring the success of teams both today and in the future.
Are you embracing job change in a positive way? Can you try new things and cope with different work processes? If so, you show adaptability. Studies also show that people who adapt easily to change are able to motivate themselves internally and are not easily discouraged. This helps them to be more resilient in dynamic work environments, and to bring projects to success despite changing conditions and parameters. And what more could an employer dream of?
How we work with others, but also how we structure our work
Often when we talk about soft skills, the focus remains on the interpersonal aspect - teamwork, negotiation. But the degree of development of such social competences determines how much we can manage ourselves (e.g. our emotions and the stress that work can cause) and our time. Thus, the purposeful development of soft skills not only brings positives in the work aspect, but also creates a basis for a better and calmer personal one.