Networking and making new friends is an important part of everyone's life from an early age. In the same way, professional contacts are very important for our professional life and development.
"Networking" is a continuous process that requires a lot of attention, organization, goodwill, and even perseverance. Professional networking should not be seen as minutes of self-promotion, it should always bring positives for both parties.
To be successful in this endeavor, you must take an interest in your professional network, update your contacts and relationships with people, and share knowledge and information with them. By doing so, you will create a favorable image of yourself as a person who will "work" for you, creating strong connections and providing you with multiple career opportunities.
In this article, we share with you some tips to successfully build and grow your network for more knowledge and professional development.
When you're looking for development, contact with new people can help you discover new and different opportunities. In the professional world, however, networking with anyone is not always the right strategy. Focus your efforts on making contact with people who could help you achieve what you desire. These may be people who are a few steps ahead of you in the industry. They could play the role of your mentor and guide you along the way, helping you become even better at what you do.
Networking with your colleagues and 'brothers in destiny' could also benefit you and your development.
Look for people who are ambitious, who have a desire to help others and themselves.
It's not the first time we've said it, and it probably won't be the last, but social networking is one of the easiest ways to find a new job, exchange information, and network with people all over the world.
Different social networks provide different ways to connect with people with a variety of interests, in a variety of professions, and in all kinds of industries.
The most popular social network for professional networking is LinkedIn, but that doesn't automatically limit your search to there. Facebook and Instagram can also be used to tie in professional contacts.
How can you be active on social networks? First of all, post regularly and like your contacts' posts. This way, you can easily find people with similar interests. Follow the pages of companies and leaders in your field of interest. This way you can keep up to date with the latest news on the market. Don't hesitate to send private messages to people you would like to get in touch with or think can be of help. When sending messages, remember to be professional and polite. Introduce yourself and state the reason you are writing. Share how you think you can be of mutual help. Be yourself.
Sure, social media is important, but attending events and having "live" contact with people is too. Some of the events that are highly suitable for "net touring" are career forums, trade shows, conferences, seminars, business breakfasts, luncheons and cocktail parties, and many more.
Keep an eye on social media and the internet for suitable events around you or ask your friends and colleagues.
On the day of the event, be sure to bring business cards that you can hand out to potential contacts. When you give someone your business card, the chance of them remembering you after the event is much greater. At the same time, when you ask for someone's business card, it will be much easier for you to keep the person's contacts and send them a message after the event.
Another easy and effective way to successfully leverage the relationships you have built with your contacts is to use your resume as a tool. Sending your resume to already established contacts for feedback and advice on improvement can be very valuable. Why? When reviewing your resume, they will take a close look at your work experience, the positions you have held, and your goals, strengths, and qualifications they may not have been familiar with. This way, your contacts can not only get an even better sense of you, but more importantly, they could recommend you for a company or position for which you are a good fit.
The role of "net marketing" is not to ask all your contacts if they know of any open positions or if they could offer you a job. Its role is to search for and find information that could help you find the right job. One of the most important goals of networking is to create strong connections and good relationships with people so that when a potential opportunity opens up for you in the future, your contact will be happy and without question to recommend you.
Remember that once you have found the right contacts, people with similar interests, mentors, and leaders to emulate, your work is not over. Maintain relationships with these people, don't just seek them out when it's profitable for you. The role of these relationships is to be beneficial to both parties.
The topic of professional "not networking" is a big one, and these are some of the ground rules that will help you be successful in building valuable professional relationships. A good, reliable network of contacts can open up many new opportunities for you. Get out of your comfort zone and start building your professional network now!