Insights for Candidates

Advices for candidates
Gen Z's digital habits and how they bring professional advantages
We dedicate the month of June to the new generations in the workplace and for this purpose we invited Ralitsa Dineva, Recruitment Consultant from our…
Advices for candidates
Strategies for a sustainable work-life balance
In today's world, where the lines between work and personal life are increasingly blurred, finding a sustainable balance is becoming more and…
Advices for candidates
How to get a feel for organizational culture in the application process?
Organizational culture plays a key role in defining the work environment in any company.
Advices for candidates
How to negotiate for the salary?
Discussing expected salary during a job interview is a critical moment that provides valuable information for both parties.
Advices for candidates
First Level Manager - Similarities and Differences in Managing Processes, Projects and People in Engineering and Manufacturing
The expression "Management is more of an art than a science" has almost become a saying.
Advices for candidates
Start Strong - temporary staffing for your own income and progress
More and more students are looking for work opportunities that they can easily combine with their studies and at the same time feel financially…
Advices for candidates
Career in Plovdiv - opportunities, directions and recommendations
Plovdiv is the second largest job market in the country and as such offers diverse opportunities for talent.
Advices for candidates
What are the dynamics in the accounting sector for professionals at different levels?
Accounting is the business department that provides information about the financial position of organizations and is an important decision-making…
Advices for candidates
Language skills as a stepping stone for career development for young people
Knowledge of foreign languages opens doors to work in many fields and increases international connections and communication opportunities.
Advices for candidates
How to arrange the puzzle of skills and experience for guaranteed success in the engineering sector?
In recent years, we have seen strong growth of companies in the engineering and manufacturing sector in Bulgaria.
Advices for candidates
"Gen-Z-ing" the workplace. How to stand out in the sea of talent?
Each generation is distinguished by its specificities, the result of the significant trends that have marked the growth and maturation of people in…
Advices for candidates
Career development - in one company or by changing jobs?
The decision of whether to pursue career development within one company or change employers is a key one and can significantly impact your…
Advices for candidates
How to turn a job interview into an open conversation?
Usually, when we are interviewing, we are used to the employer being the leading party, setting the tone of the conversation and asking for…
Advices for candidates
5 tips for finding a remote job
More and more people around the world want to work from a place of their choice. Increasingly, different organizations are giving their people this…
Advices for candidates
Soft skills - the key to success in a dynamic work environment
Soft skills are becoming an increasingly significant factor in talent selection across a range of industries. What are they and why are they so…
Tips for working efficiently from the comfort of home
In recent years, a number of companies have introduced the model of working from home for one or a few days a month to their employees.
Manpower Bulgaria
Where to now? Career guidance tips for graduating students
The carefree summer is now behind us and autumn is the season when many people undertake career changes, including graduate students the plunge into…
Advices for candidates
Vacation mode on or how to set up auto-reply
Out of office or OOO is an automatic email response that notifies your colleagues, clients, or other contacts who may contact you that you are not at…
Advices for candidates
"Networking" or how to successfully build a network of professional contacts?
Networking and making new friends is an important part of everyone's life from an early age. In the same way, professional contacts are very…
Advices for candidates
9 tips for a great job interview performance
You're looking for a new job, you've followed our tips for shaping your CV and it's already more than impressive, your LinkedIn…
Advices for candidates
How to concentrate easier and not get distracted at work?
Our daily lives are undoubtedly not devoid of situations of distraction, and in many cases, it is even practically impossible to avoid them.
Manpower Bulgaria
LinkedIn profile for a successful career development
It will come as no surprise to anyone to learn that in today's world, where our day is spent mainly in front of screens of various sizes, a…
Manpower Bulgaria
"Burnout" in the workplace: How to fight this new pandemic?
Almost all of us have experienced the feeling and effects of "burnout" at some point in our lives. Workload and stress at work, lack of…
Advices for candidates
Personal development plan in the new year
The beginning of the new calendar year is a kind of symbol of turning over a new page and making a new beginning.