Advices for candidates

Gen Z's digital habits and how they bring professional advantages

We dedicate the month of June to the new generations in the workplace and for this purpose we invited Ralitsa Dineva, a Recruitment Consultant from our team, as their representative to share more about the Digital habits of Gen Z and how they bring professional advantages. 

How does Generation Z manage their personal brand online and how does this impact their professional opportunities?

Ralitsa: Generation Z, including myself as part of it, grew up in the world of social media and digitalization. For us, a personal brand is like a virtual autograph. We use platforms like Instagram, TikTok and LinkedIn not only to upload photos of our pets, but also to build our online reputation. We know employers are likely to view our profiles, and it's nice to show them the best of ourselves.

Personal branding can open a lot of doors. Imagine influencers turning their profiles into businesses for hundreds of thousands, or people finding their dream job through their LinkedIn profile. But like any superpower, this one comes with responsibilities.

So if you're like me and want to build a strong personal brand, here are a few tips:

  • Set clear goals
  • Create content that is interesting and useful
  • Always be professional in your online communication.
  • The future is digital and our personal brand is the key to professional success.

Personally, I consider LinkedIn the best platform for professional opportunities. It's where we can connect with professionals around the world, keep up with the latest trends in our industry, and showcase our skills and experience to potential employers. LinkedIn isn't just for job searching, it's also for building long-term professional connections.

So my advice is to use LinkedIn effectively. Include a professional photo, a detailed resume, and all relevant skills and experience. Post regular content that demonstrates your knowledge and interests in a particular field. Participate in groups and discussions related to your industry to build a network of contacts. And most importantly, be active and engaged.

Find a profile of someone in your field that you really like and follow the activity and information they have added to their profile. That way you can more quickly and easily target how to make your profile attractive to prospective employers and contacts as well.

So, let's take advantage of all the opportunities LinkedIn offers us and build successful careers with the help of our personal brand.

How do Gen Z's digital habits help them be more flexible and adaptable in a rapidly changing work environment?

Ralitsa: Gen Z was born and raised in the digital age, which predisposes us to be very flexible and adaptable in a changing work environment. And as we know, digital habits are not only a reflection of everyday life, but also a tool for professional development and success.

Digital connectivity and access to information allows Gen Z to be an informed and well-prepared generation through the use of the internet for training, developing new skills and keeping up with trends in their areas of interest. Online courses, webinars and YouTube videos are just some of the resources being used for self-education and professional and personal improvement.

Social networking and online communication play a key role in connecting us as individuals from diverse backgrounds, specifically through all digital platforms. This connectivity helps us work in teams and exchange ideas in a digital environment. This ability to build global networks and participate in virtual environments are extremely valuable in today's work environment where remote working opportunities and global projects are increasingly prevalent.

What are your tips on using AI to be successful during an interview?

Ralitsa: My favorite trick that I suggest to friends who are nervous about the interview process with a prospective employer is to use AI to prepare themselves and increase their chances of performing well and getting the target job.

And what better than having it completely free and using it from our phones. Namely - ChatGPT's feature to talk to it. You can set ChatGPT to ask you questions like an interview and answer them. It can then analyze your answers and give you feedback. This is an effective way to practice and get valuable tips for improvement.

An exercise like this can help you improve your wording, make your answers more concise and clear, or add extra detail. Also, if you know that specific questions are often asked about a position, you can share them with ChatGPT and get tips on how best to answer. For example, questions about technical skills, project management, or conflict resolution.

Use it to simulate stressful situations: you can set ChatGPT to ask you questions in quick succession or simulate more stressful situations to learn how to answer under pressure. This can help you stay calm and collected during the actual interview.

ChatGPT can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and suggest ways to present them in a positive way. For example, if you've worked in a dynamic environment, ChatGPT can help you highlight your ability to adapt quickly. Many interviews also include behavioral questions that require you to talk about how you handled certain situations. The bot can ask you such questions and help you formulate your answers in a way that shows your competence and experience.

What are employers' expectations of Generation Z's digital skills?

Ralitza: I notice that employers have high expectations of Gen Z's digital skills, especially given their experience with technology from a young age. Companies expect young workers to be well-versed in the latest technology tools and platforms and to be able to quickly adapt to new systems and software.

One of the main expectations is that Gen Z will bring innovative ideas and fresh perspectives to the workflow. Their data skills, use of social media for marketing, and ability to analyze and apply new technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation are extremely valuable to employers.

Employers also expect that the generation will be proactive in self-learning and professional development. Online courses, certifications, and participation in webinars and conferences are just some of the ways young professionals can demonstrate their commitment to continuous improvement, as I mentioned above.

In conclusion, employers expect not only a high level of technology skills from Generation Z, but also the ability to apply those skills into innovative and effective solutions to business challenges.

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