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From "Junior" to "Number One" in no time or what is the formula for success during a career change?

One of the biggest struggles ever is overcoming our own fears, followed by the struggle with our ego. If we manage to stay on top of them and still come out balanced, we will be able to make most of our dreams come through.

Anna Ovcharova - IT Recruiter at Manpower Bulgaria tells how to get out of our comfort zone and what are the sacrifices, risks and the right steps to take in order to be successful and make the step towards a career change in a completely different field of development.

How is the decision to change career path made and what steps can be taken to make it successful?

As someone who has devoted my life to music, I have always believed that everyone has many undiscovered talents and it would be a waste not to try and develop them. After years on stage as a singer in theatre performances at sea and abroad, I decided to return to Bulgaria. It is very difficult for an artist to give up performance completely, but it was my desire to be successful and useful to someone off stage that made me take the step forward to enrol in a Master's degree in Human Resources.

I started looking for a job in the new field at the age of 30, without any experience in Human Resources, but ready to do anything to become the specialist I dreamed of being. Often when I sent in my resume I received feedback that I had no experience and there was no chance of starting in a position in the profession, much less in the IT field. It was then that I got a unique chance and a helping hand from the most successful HR company in Bulgaria. In the beginning it was extremely difficult, but it was the lack of experience that motivated me to continue and prove that in order to make my dream come true, I have to be in absolute control of my emotions and not give up under any circumstances. To be successful, we must be willing to continually learn and always look for the newest and most flexible approaches until we find what works best for each individual situation. A big plus is if there is someone who can help us to enter and adjust in the new environment more easily and skillfully. My supervisor and mentor Milena Hristova is the one from whom I got this help and everything I needed to become a successful IT Recruiter.

What is the difference between the "soft skills" that a recruiter should have at the beginning of his career and those that make him a professional in the field?

Personal qualities, which are important at the beginning of a career, are crucial at all stages of the career development. I have always believed that the most successful people are the ones who are easily adaptable. Motivation and clear goals setting from the start are key. Emotional intelligence is another very important part of a successful realization. Essential is the ability not to take criticism personally, but rather to see it as a lifeline that will get you out of a difficult situation with the idea of only reaping the benefits and becoming better at what we do. Art has taught me that to win a battle I must always leave my ego at the door - only then I can unlock it.

What are the specifics in the search for talent in the hottest area at the moment - Information Technology?

The labour market is extremely dynamic, requiring great agility and speed to react appropriately. Talent is scarce and vacancies and employers looking for talent are multiplying. Timely feedback and clear communication are the most important factors for a successful business relationship. The more flexible working conditions are offered, the more attractive a position becomes. Nowadays the most valuable resource is time, talents insist on work-life balance, because they know what they are looking for and don't hesitate to ask for it.

What lessons can be learned from the work in recruitment and talent acquisition work?

One of the valuable lessons we can learn is patience - one should not give up, even when it is very difficult. When we put love, energy and effort into our work, the results will follow. For me, the greatest satisfaction is knowing that I have helped someone become a better version of themselves and make their dream come true by starting a new career or venture. In those moments I think back to myself and that moment when I needed a hand. That's why every chance I get to give someone a hand is what gives meaning to who I am and why I am here today.

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