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HR Screening 2024 - Research on the challenges and responsibilities of the HR function

Now in its fourth year, the HR Screening survey, conducted by Manpower Bulgaria with the partnership of the Bulgarian Association for People Management and Assert International Bulgaria, helps to analyze and track trends in the human resources division.

Each year the survey is conducted during the months of March and April with the target audience being professionals from various sectors performing HR functions such as departments, teams or even single roles within organisations.


This year over 200 respondents from 21 different locations representing over 15 business sectors participated. Analysis of the results provides valuable insights into current HR management challenges and practices.


Highlights of the report include:

  • Trends in the HR division versus the dynamic labor market

  • Perspective on employee engagement and expectations

  • Defining talent acquisition and development processes and functions


The primary report with overall results can be downloaded from HERE.


By the end of April and throughout the months of May and June of 2024, additional results will be shared on cross-functional and micro and macro analyses of the divisions against the most represented business sectors.


Привличане на работници и специалисти от Индонезия: Кое, Как, Защо

Привличането на международни таланти се превръща във все по-необходима иновативна практика за справяне с недостига на работна сила в страната. Успехът на подобни инициативи силно зависи от наличието на надеждни партньорства за набиране на работници и професионалисти от различни точки на света.


International Mobility and Recruitment from Indonesia: An Overview

The global business environment is continuously evolving, necessitating reliable partnerships for international mobility and recruitment. Indonesia, with its significant working-age population, has emerged as a key player in this field. This text offers an overview of the factors that contribute to Indonesia's prominence in international mobility, emphasizing factual information and the role of reliable local recruitment partners in this sector.


HR Screening 2024 -Проучване за предизвикателствата и отговорностите на HR функцията

Вече четвърта година проучването HR Screening, провеждано от Manpower България с партньорството на Българска асоциация за управление на хора и Assert International България, спомага с анализ и проследяване на тенденциите в дивизията човешки ресурси.