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Manpower Hungary- New member of MANPOWER SEE

As of December 15, 2022, Manpower Hungary became the new, sixth, member of the Manpower SEE group. The regional Manpower cluster is richer for another experienced team of 55 HR experts and great market potential.

This acquisition is closer to fulfilling the company's vision to position itself as the largest HR company in the regions of southern, eastern and central Europe, for which Hungary is another market that completes this strategic plan.


"It is now the 6th country with Manpower brand under our group umbrella.

For us it is a strategic move to position our presence and business in the central part of Europe and Hungarian market is crucial for it. It is also one step further towards our vision of becoming biggest HR & Talent Solutions company in the regions of south, east and central Europe. With the aim to expand our business into new countries and regions of Europe." shared in LinkedIn Aleksandar Hangimana, Managing Shareholder Manpower SEE.


The goal of the new acquisition is to further localize and personalize support for clients and partners through the creation of a unique portfolio of solutions in the entire region of Southeast Europe. One provider and unique standards are principles that enable partners to optimize costs and ensure monitoring of service quality. Following this trend, Manpower SEE proves once again that it puts the needs of its partners and clients first, and that with the number of 350 HR experts in the region and an agile approach can respond to even the most demanding projects in the field of human resources.


We would like to thank all partners for their support and consultations regarding the acquisition.a


Привличане на работници и специалисти от Индонезия: Кое, Как, Защо

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International Mobility and Recruitment from Indonesia: An Overview

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HR Screening 2024 - Research on the challenges and responsibilities of the HR function

Now in its fourth year, the HR Screening survey, conducted by Manpower Bulgaria with the partnership of the Bulgarian Association for People Management and Assert International Bulgaria, helps to analyze and track trends in the human resources division.