

Обратно към блога

HR Screening 2024

For the fourth consecutive year, we are proud to announce the launch of our annual survey on the HR environment in Bulgaria, developed in close collaboration with our long-standing partners from Assert International Bulgaria, together in partnership with the Bulgarian Association for People Management (BAPM).

This research is aimed at understanding and analysing the key challenges and innovations faced by HR professionals in the country.


Study Objectives:

  • Visualizing the current landscape: We aim to paint a clear picture of the current HR functions in the country.

  • Identify market trends.

  • Formulating practical conclusions.


Sharing your views and experiences will contribute significantly to enriching the research. The survey will take between 6 and 8 minutes of your time and remains open for participation until April 5th.


Let's contribute together to the future of the HR profession in Bulgaria!


Your participation and opinion will be part of the key to unraveling the challenges and shaping sustainable solutions in the HR field.


We invite you to get involved and share your opinion with us!


Привличане на работници и специалисти от Индонезия: Кое, Как, Защо

Привличането на международни таланти се превръща във все по-необходима иновативна практика за справяне с недостига на работна сила в страната. Успехът на подобни инициативи силно зависи от наличието на надеждни партньорства за набиране на работници и професионалисти от различни точки на света.


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HR Screening 2024 - Research on the challenges and responsibilities of the HR function

Now in its fourth year, the HR Screening survey, conducted by Manpower Bulgaria with the partnership of the Bulgarian Association for People Management and Assert International Bulgaria, helps to analyze and track trends in the human resources division.