

Обратно към блога

A survey on the identification of levels and factors for staff turnover in the different business sectors throughout the country in 2021

Good information is a key factor for strategic planning and good market positioning for all companies operating in the country. By conducting the current survey Manpower Bulgaria aims to identify the levels of staff turnover in the country as well as the main factors for turnover in 2021.

  • What is the level of staff turnover in the different business sectors?

  • Which departments and functions have experienced the biggest turnover rate in 2021?

  • Is there any difference in the turnover rate in 2021 compared to 2020?

  • What are the reasons for voluntary turnover?

  • What challenges can turnover lead to?

If you have any observations on the topic in your role as an employer or employee, we would be grateful if you could share them in the survey. The survey is completely anonymous and takes 3-5 minutes.

Let's find out together what are the factors for staff turnover in Bulgaria and what can be learned from these statistics.

The results of the survey will be shared on our website in early December.


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