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Sharing and analyzing the results of the annual HR Screening Survey during the third episode of Club HR Navigator

There is a noticeable shortage of HR practitioners in the labor market. There is near unanimity that a shorter working week would improve people's work-life balance and productivity

On March 26th, the third episode of HR Navigator - HR Screening 2022 - (R)Evolution in HR, took place. During the live broadcast we shared the results of the annual HR Screening survey, and together with our guests from Coca Cola HBC, Lidl, MentorMate and Sentia Group we commented on the survey results in detail, and spoke about the specifics of their professions and the challenges faced by HR professionals from these companies and industries.

The HR Screening survey of Manpower Bulgaria was conducted for the second consecutive year and gathered responses from over 130 HR professionals in the country. The aim of the survey is to identify and analyze the main responsibilities and current challenges that HR professionals encounter during their daily duties and during the recruitment process. This way, we can offer appropriate and effective solutions to organizations to optimize their HR processes and departments.

Three key findings from the study are:


  • Significantly fewer companies than last year are operating without dedicated internal HR departments.

Only 5% of respondents indicated that they do not have a separate HR department in their organization, compared to 11% last year. 66% of the companies reflected in the survey state that their HR units consist of between 1 and 5 employees. The main functions of HR practitioners in the country are recruitment, administration and internal communication, but often it is the recruitment and administration of people that companies entrust to an external service provider.


  • The noticeable shortage of specialists in talent acquisition is reflected in all business sectors.

Some of the most in-demand roles in the 2022 job market are those of human resources professionals. A shortage of HR practitioners was also seen last year in 2021. However, in which areas is it most difficult to attract HR talent? The data shows that the biggest challenge is attracting recruiters (41%), followed by IT recruiters (26%) and employer branding practitioners (12%). Only 2% say they have no difficulty attracting HR professionals.


  • A majority of HR professionals believe that a shorter work week would positively impact both companies and their teams.

Following the news that Manpower Bulgaria, together with colleagues from Manpower SEE, is switching to a 4-day work week, the interest of many professionals and companies in this practice has been exceptional. That's why we decided to survey the attitudes of respondents in HR Screening 2022. 79% of people thought that employee productivity as well as work-life balance could be improved by introducing a shorter working week.


The survey results also show that the recruitment and attraction functions are the biggest challenge for professionals in the sector, reported by 56% of all respondents. On the other hand, administering people brings with it the least difficulty for 54% of respondents. Manpower Bulgaria shows that more and more companies are finding it convenient to use automated solutions in this direction, which in turn frees up time for more strategic HR functions.


Manpower Bulgaria is constantly engaged in various studies related to human capital and the labor market in Bulgaria. In a constantly changing market environment, high awareness and detailed knowledge of new trends and established practices, as well as experience sharing, are key for the success of any business.


The full survey and breakdown by business sector can be found here:


HR Screening 2024 - Research on the challenges and responsibilities of the HR function

Now in its fourth year, the HR Screening survey, conducted by Manpower Bulgaria with the partnership of the Bulgarian Association for People Management and Assert International Bulgaria, helps to analyze and track trends in the human resources division.


HR Screening 2024 -Проучване за предизвикателствата и отговорностите на HR функцията

Вече четвърта година проучването HR Screening, провеждано от Manpower България с партньорството на Българска асоциация за управление на хора и Assert International България, спомага с анализ и проследяване на тенденциите в дивизията човешки ресурси.  


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