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Two international major players join efforts in Bulgaria: Java Academy from Manpower and Amadeus

The end of 2021 marks the beginning of an amazing project created by the joint efforts of the teams of Manpower Bulgaria and Amadeus - a global technology company, one of the fastest growing in the country, which provides solutions for companies in the travel industry. The project is called Java Academy and aims to give talents with little or no experience in the IT sector a successful start to their career.

A basic condition for all applicants to have a keen interest in Java programming and have a basic knowledge of the IT sector, which will be developed during the intensive 16-week course. A mandatory requirement for applicants wishing to take part in the academy is an excellent command of English. A degree or a finished course in IT and previous experience with Java or other programming languages will be an advantage.

The course is completely free and will be led by our trusted partners - Codexio.

The first academy will be launched in January, and now everyone who is interested has the opportunity to join the race for the limited places..

During the 3-month course, selected candidates will have the opportunity to be part of a motivated team where they will develop high-tech software solutions and learn about all phases of software development and implementation and software processes.

In the last stage of the Java Academy, the most successful and ambitious students will receive a real job offer in the Amadeus team. 

Get involved and start your career as a programmer by applying here or by sending your CV to: [email protected]
Hurry, places are limited!


HR Screening 2024 - Research on the challenges and responsibilities of the HR function

Now in its fourth year, the HR Screening survey, conducted by Manpower Bulgaria with the partnership of the Bulgarian Association for People Management and Assert International Bulgaria, helps to analyze and track trends in the human resources division.


HR Screening 2024 -Проучване за предизвикателствата и отговорностите на HR функцията

Вече четвърта година проучването HR Screening, провеждано от Manpower България с партньорството на Българска асоциация за управление на хора и Assert International България, спомага с анализ и проследяване на тенденциите в дивизията човешки ресурси.  


LeaderSHIFT through MINDfulness - With passion and delight for mindful leadership

The new business realities demand a new kind of leader - aware, grounded, and in sync with themselves and the world. With such a foundation, the dynamics of markets, technological change, and other turbulence we witness daily are easily reframed from obstacles into opportunities and gifts of our current situation.