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Ironbridge Associates and Manpower Bulgaria are building a Shared Service Centre of Excellence

As a next step in their partnership, Ironbridge Associates Limited and Manpower Bulgaria are announcing the launch of a Shared Service Centre of Excellence.

The new Centre will enrich the service portfolio of the two companies by offering their clients and partners the opportunity to outsource projects and business support services to a pre-selected and experienced team of process experts.


The services provided will support diverse business sectors including Shared Services, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), Manufacturing, Insurance, Banking and Healthcare.


In addition to the Center, we offer customers the opportunity to use our innovative system "Virtual CoE" - а ground-breaking process optimization approach, where processes are managed on behalf of clients through the optimisation programme and transitioned back fully automated optimised.


Other activities within the initiative include HR Training and Support, Cyber Security and Back Office Support Services in the fields of Finance & Accounting (F&A) Human Resources (HR), Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Business Analytics.


The Centre currently brings together over 30 professionals and experts with international experience, with the team growing further every day.


Ironbridge Associates Ltd – are a team of multi-disciplined practitioners with deep leadership experience in cross-border business management gained by working with and leading teams in the private and public sectors. Their services include process transformation, workforce development, BPO, technology solutions, and cybersecurity.


For more information, please send a request to [email protected]


For more information about Ironbridge Associates Ltd, visit www.ironbridge.associates or contact [email protected] or contact Maria Temelkova, +359 88 8295695, [email protected]


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